Engineering and Physical Sciences at University of Lincoln

See how the subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Computer Science are connected, from abstract mathematics to fundamental laws of physics and applications in engineering and computing!

What's it all about? 

The Insight into University course at Lincoln is organised around the interdisciplinary subjects within the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences: Mathematics, Physics, Engineering and Computer Science. You will take part in a series of short projects that each contain some aspects related to two or more of these disciplines.

What will I be doing? 

The available projects are subject to staff availability but may include the following:

  • Using Virtual Reality to Experience Physics: Create a virtual reality environment in which laws of physics that are unfamiliar to our everyday experience can be explored first hand.
  • The Chaotic Dynamics of a Kicked Rotor: Build a simulation and an experimental implementation of a kicked rotor, one of the simplest physical systems in which chaotic dynamics can be explored.
  • Exploring Swarm Behaviour: Build and programme a robot with the ability to sense obstacles and explore the swarming behaviour that emerges when many such robots interact.

Supplemental activities will be included throughout the course, such as lecture style introductions to topics relevant to the projects being undertaken, and practical sessions in our physics, engineering and computing laboratories.

Will this course suit me? 

For this course it would be preferable if students were studying either Mathematics, Physics or Computer Science at A level, but this is not essential. You should have a keen interest STEM and interdisciplinary studies. Some coding experience (for example in Python) would be beneficial but not necessary. Finally, you should be ready and willing to work as part of a team!

Who will be on this course?

This is a mixed course for 30 students.

Dates of course?

​TBC summer 2025 (4 nights residential)

Price of course?

£595 (Bursaries are also available)